Modeling Data

Baseline StateCU data sets have been developed to provide water demand information. The number and type of data sets varies for each basin. These data sets can be run as a baseline model in StateCU or as a starting point for the development of other data sets.

Baseline StateMod data sets provide information on water supply and allocation of this supply in response to demands, consistent with the prior appropriation system. The data sets provide an overall modeling framework or can be used as a starting point for the development of other data sets.

Baseline data sets related to ground-water modeling (MODFLOW) have been developed for the Rio Grand Basin as a part of the Rio Grand Decision Support System's Groundwater model of the San Luis Valley.

Uses inflow, outflow, and change-in-storage information to generate an overall water balance summary for a basin. This information is useful for visualizing and understanding major basin water demand and supply components.

These data sets, along with the related documentation, can be used as a baseline data set or as a starting point for the development of other data sets.

About Modeling Data

Through the CDSS, calibrated baseline data sets for the water allocation model (StateMod) have been developed for each major river basin to support water supply and planning studies. Baseline data sets typically include scenarios for historical data (for the purpose of calibration) and for current conditions (for planning purposes). The baseline data sets form the basis of specific studies such as the Colorado River Water Availability Study (CRWAS).

Data sets for consumptive use (CU), surface water, and groundwater are developed somewhat independently, with linkages being implemented as each model data set is completed. For example, the irrigation water requirement from the CU model is used as a demand in the surface water model. The data sets, which are periodically updated as part of CDSS efforts, may also benefit from additional detail updated as part of specific studies. Modeling data development on the Arkansas River Basin will be completed soon; see the Arkansas Arkansas River DSS page for more information.

How it Works

Due to the size of model results, only input files are typically distributed on the CDSS Website. A monthly time step is primarily used in these models because this is typical for planning purposes, and reduces model run time and output size, however, some models can use a daily time step. Model results are summarized in data set documentation. To regenerate results, users can download the software and run the models as described in the documentation.