StateDGI & CDSS Toolbox

StateDGI Major Features:

  • StateDGI (State Data-Centered Groundwater Interface) software is a GIS Data Management Interface (DMI) that utilizes ArcMap capabilities to process spatial data for use in consumptive use, ground water and surface water modeling analyses. StateDGI is specifically designed to store and output data for the StatePP tool that pre-processes data for MODFLOW and generates several MODFLOW input files.
  • Develop input files required for the CDSS Consumptive Use model (StateCU), Water Resource Planning model (StateMOD), and the preprocessor to Modflow (StatePP).

CDSS Toolbox Major Features:

  • The CDSS Toolbox is a set of GIS data management interfaces (DMIs) implemented using Python scripts that provide users with a graphical interface for each tool within Esri’s ArcToolbox™ software environment. The CDSS Toolbox DMIs perform operations to process GIS data sets for use with other CDSS tools and DMIs, notably StateDGI, StateCU, StateMod, and StatePP. The CDSS Toolbox is intended to provide consistent, automated, and reproducible methods of developing the input files required for other CDSS tools.
  • The main CDSS toolbox consists of five toolsets; Aggregate, Climate Weights, Soil Parameters, Well Matching and State Data-Centered Ground Water Interface (StateDGI).
  • Each individual tool is comprised of a graphical user interface, with applicable ‘Online Help’ documentation, which requests the user to input control data and shapefiles used in each analysis.

Common Uses:

  • Developing input files for CDSS models


Name Description File Type Release Date
CDSSToolbox ArcToolbox tools (.tbx) and associated Python scripts (.py) - Compatible with ArcGIS version 10.1 and newer. Includes documentation. Application, .doc 9/1/2016
StateDGI Access database shell (.mdb). Updated in 2019 to work with modern HydroBase schema. MDB 10/1/2019