Geographic Information System (GIS) data sets are available for download for all river basins in Colorado. GIS layers include HydroBase data such as points of diversion, wells, streams/rivers, stream gages, canals, and climate stations, irrigated acreage for various years, and other relevant layers. The data can be downloaded and used directly in ArcGIS.
Map Viewer is a free web-based tool available to users and does not require ArcGIS.
GIS data layers are available as zipped shapefiles, and in some cases, ESRI geodatabases (compatible with version 10.1 and above). Point features have been generated from the most recent HydroBase database, and are available in a statewide download only. Feature coordinates use the UTM Zone 13 (NAD 83) projection. Polygon and other layers in some cases have been collected from other sources. Features generated from HydroBase contain only the minimum attributes for the data type.
Data by Division or Category:
Data by Category
Division 1 - South Platte
Division 2 - Arkansas
Division 3 - Rio Grande
Division 4 - Gunnison
Division 5 - Colorado
Division 6 - Yampa/White
Division 7 - San Juan/Dolores