
StateCU software is used to estimate historical consumptive use based on user input data such as water supply, cropping, and climate data.

StateMod is a monthly and daily surface water allocation and accounting model capable of simulating various historical and future water management policies in a river basin.

TSTool processes time series data to create model input files and process model results for StateCU and StateMod.

A GIS Data Management Interface that utilizes ArcMap capabilities to process spatial data for use in consumptive use, ground water and surface water modeling analyses. 

StateWB was developed to calculate a basin-wide water balance and generate a consumptive use and losses summary.

StateDMI (Data Management Interface) is used to automate processing, provide quality control, and format data for CDSS software tools, such as StateCU & StateMod.

Colorado's comprehensive database of water resource data, including: water rights, well permits, streamflows, diversions, and climate data.

Developed to simplify and streamline the evaluation of historical depletions and return flows from irrigation. Used to evaluate potential lease fallow projects.