GIS Data By Category

Where applicable, data is provided in ArcGIS geodatabases. All other data is downloadable as zipped shapefiles.


Boundary shapefiles for divisions, districts and groundwater management areas.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Division BoundariesZipped Shapefile2/1/2010
District BoundariesZipped Shapefile3/30/2016
Major River Basin BoundariesZipped Shapefile2/9/2011
Basin Roundtable BoundariesZipped Shapefile11/9/2020
Groundwater Management DistrictsZipped Shapefile9/1/1996
Designated BasinsZipped Shapefile9/1/1996
Produced Water Non Tributary BoundariesGeodatabase
(10.1 File GDB)


Statewide climate isohyet shapefiles.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Average Evaporation - Free Water (1956-1970)Zipped Shapefile1982
Average Precipitation (1951-1980)Zipped Shapefile1993
Solar RadiationZipped Shapefile1992

HydroBase Point Data

HydroBase Data shapefiles include climate station, structures, surface water and well data. All shapefiles are in statewide coverages. These datasets are updated nightly.

Title/DescriptionFile Type
Climate Data - climate, evaporation, temperature, precipitation & solar radiation stationsZipped Shapefile
Structures - with water rightsZipped Shapefile
Structure Features - points of interest, measuring locations, recharge areas, well fields, etc.Zipped Shapefile
Surface Water Gages - Real Time (current conditions)Zipped Shapefile
Surface Water Gages - Historic (with Period of Record)Zipped Shapefile
Well ApplicationsZipped Shapefile
Well Geophysical LogsZipped Shapefile
Wells with Water LevelsZipped Shapefile
Final Permits - Designated BasinsZipped Shapefile


Groundwater data includes aquifer contours and properties, well data, and other groundwater point and raster/grid data. Geodatabases are 9.2 ArcGIS personal geodatabases.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Statewide Bedrock AquifersZipped Shapefile6/18/2014
Statewide Alluvial Aquifers
Task Memo
Zipped Shapefile6/25/2020
Denver Basin Bedrock DataGeodatabase2006
South Platte Alluvial DataGeodatabase2011
Division 1 Aquifer GridsRaster2009

Irrigated Lands

Irrigated Lands geodatabases provide irrigated land coverages, associated ditch headgates and wells, and relational tables for the years listed below. Zipped shapefiles include irrigated lands, ditch headgates, ditch service areas, and wells, where available.

Disclaimer: Irrigated lands delineation, crop typing, and other information is provided by DNR for informational purposes only. Data is created by a combination of automated and manual processes and accuracy is not guaranteed. Use of this data as a primary source in Colorado Water Court is not recommended. See GIS metadata and Basin DSS Task Memos for more information about creation of these GIS layers.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Division 1 Irrigated Lands (1956, 1976, 1987, 1997, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles10/8/2021
Division 1 - Republican Irrigated Lands (2010, 2015-2023)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles4/15/2024
Division 2 Irrigated Lands (1954, 1975, 1988, 1998, 2010, 2013-2021)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles6/30/2022
Division 3 Irrigated Lands (1936, 1998, 2002, 2005, 2009 - 2023) *Also includes Model input dataGeodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles02/11/2025
Division 4 Irrigated Lands (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles12/14/2023
Division 5 Irrigated Lands (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2000)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles02/02/2024
Division 6 Irrigated Lands (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles4/23/2021
Division 6, Dist 47 Irrigated Lands (1952, 1956, 1976, 1987, 2001, 2005, 2010-2022)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles7/22/2021
Division 7 Irrigated Lands (2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020)Geodatabase, Zipped Shapefiles4/5/2021

National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)

Please download the latest version of the NHD from the USGS. (From the left-hand menu choose "Get Data" then "pre-staged subregions" to get Colorado's data in the appropriate format.)

Source Water Route Framework

Source Water Route Framework is a dataset which includes a measured, named streams from the National Hydrography Dataset (NHD). This 10.1 File Geodatabase also includes confluence points and an associated table of stream mile locations of those confluence points. This dataset is intended to be used to calculate stream mile location of features using the ArcGIS Linear Referencing tools. See included document for additional details.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Source Water Route FrameworkZipped Geodatabase1/25/2023

DWR Irrigation Ditches

This data set shows the delineation of irrigation ditches in Colorado. Ditches have been matched to their point of diversion and mapped to their researched extent. In some cases, the data has been photo-revised and in other cases it has not. In any case, this data set is a 2nd generation of irrigation ditch data produced by DWR/CWCB staff and in some cases produced by consultants with input from DWR staff. This data set is also incomplete and will have frequent additions as DWR/CWCB staff complete review of ditches.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Irrigation Ditches (Geodatabase)Zipped Geodatabase1/25/2023
Irrigation Ditches (Shapefiles)Zipped Shapefile1/25/2023

Instream Flow

Instream Flow data includes decreed, pending, and recommended reaches and associated termini points, as well as natural lake levels.

Title/DescriptionFile TypeLast Updated
Instream Flow Reaches - Decreed and pending reachesZipped ShapefileDaily
Instream Flow Termini - Decreed and pending termini pointsZipped ShapefileDaily
Natural Lake Levels - Decreed LakesZipped Shapefile1/20/2015