What is AUG3?
- AUG3 is a collection of Microsoft Windows based computer applications that calculate stream depletions from well pumping in the Denver Basin Aquifers.
- AUG3 originated as the Denver Basin Groundwater Model and was to determine the location of non - tributary groundwater within the Denver Basin aquifers.
- Now the tool is used by water users to determine stream depletions for Denver Basin aquifer wells in the not-nontributary groundwater areas.
February 2019 Update Includes:
- There are now 4 AUG3 Apps:
- SB5 Original Application (5-year timestep)
- SB5 Original Application (1-year timestep)
- Designated Basin Application (5-year timestep)
- Designated Basin Application (1-year timestep)
- New convergence criteria for the numerical models that improves efficiency and mass balance
- New presentation on old tables for all applications
- Completely Re–designed Designated Basin applications
- Re-designed User Manual – with key references & model grids for all windows

Contact the CDWR Modeling/DSS Team should you have any issues or questions.
Denver Basin Aquifer Schematic
Courtesy of USGS