Modeling software, such as StateMod, helps water managers better manage our state's most precious resource.
Field and historical data combines to create a comprehensive, mapable dataset.
Online Data Search tools provide access to a wealth of Colorado Water Data.

Welcome to Colorado's Decision Support Systems!


Welcome to Colorado's Decision Support Systems!


We are currently experiencing issues with downloads from our FTP site. If there's a download you need, please email Carolyn Kemp for assistance.

ArkDSS task memos and deliverables continue to be finalized and released. Please visit the ArkDSS page for access to these documents. 


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CDSS provides a host of online tools that connect directly to HydroBase, the State's water data repository.


Download software tools for surface water, or groundwater modeling, processing time series data, and estimating consumptive use.


Calibrated baseline data sets for the water allocation model (StateMod) have been developed for each major river basin to support water supply and planning studies. Baseline data sets typically include scenarios for historical data (for the purpose of calibration) and for the current conditions (for planning purposes).


GIS layers include HydroBase Data such as points of diversion, wells, streams/rivers, stream gages, canals, and climate stations, irrigated acreage for various years, and other relevant layers.


The CDSS provides links to program related documents, such as project reports and information, technical memoranda, meeting materials, basin information, and publications.


Decision Support Systems have been developed for every basin in the State. Find general information about the basins, as well as basin reports developed for the DSS.



Work is underway on the Arkansas River Decision Support System (ArkDSS). There are five tasks under active development at this time:

1.Spatial System Integration (GIS)

2.Data Development for Consumptive Use and Surface Water Modeling

3.Consumptive Use Analysis and Modeling

4.Surface Water Analysis and Modeling

5.Administration and Accounting Tools

Task Memos and other data can be found on the ArkDSS page.

Software enhancements made during ArkDSS (primarily to StateMod, TSTool, and StateCU) are being developed under the OpenCDSS model. Under OpenCDSS, software source code will be publicly available in GitHUB - an open source, collaborative environment.

Check back for updates to ArkDSS, OpenCDSS, and other CDSS topics.